The Value of Pausing

kkeller145k • May 19, 2022

The Value of Pausing

The Value of Pausing . . .

Standing along the banks of the Yellowstone River, paddle in hand, kayak at my feet, looking into the raging swollen river from recent spring runoff, it was then I realized I was indeed – a bit scared.

I had never purposefully kayaked into whitewater that seemed to be taunting me. All preparations were in place, equipment, scouting, teammates, and mental preparation. I pictured the line I would follow – and execute. And yet – my excited nervousness was now becoming reality. Launching into the raging waters was a given, dealing with the mental games beforehand – optional.

And so it is with leadership. Preparation is good. Scouting, essential. Mentally picturing execution – smart.

And yet with each new project, new endeavor, there is a given sense of unsureness as given the outcome. This is healthy; and actually a sign of; care, concern, ownership, and investment on your part.

These mental games can serve a purpose; as long as we give those games directions and boundaries.

Pausing is often a step of these mental games. Pausing can serve a valuable purpose. It is there that we have the opportunity to evaluate our steps to date. A checklist per se is created, reviewed and then moved forward. This step – can invite a de-rail of sorts, if we allow this step of pausing to get us off track.

Pausing too long will invite doubt to creep in. Second guessing will become inherent and serve only to confuse your direction, your teams’ direction and ultimately spin you and your influence in a downward spiral.

A healthy pause, serves to build confidence that impregnates itself into your team, your project, and your circle of influence. A healthy step at this point can include a step of asking. Ask your team; they know best. What are we missing? What else do we need?  Then listen

Launching into the waters that lie ahead requires a push off from shore. It is at this point there is no turning back.

Execute your plan. Follow through. Track your line. Others will take their read from your leadership. 

Until next time – enjoy the journey! 

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