
kkeller145k • May 19, 2022

Launching - Even a Bit Scared! 


I finished loading and packing gear into my touring kayak and with excitement mixed with fear I pushed off from shore.

I had never been in a kayak before. Let alone a solo trip into the wilds of the Backcountry of Yellowstone National Park.

No instructions. Just a few videos I found on internet searches. I beat back the feelings of lack of control, capsizing, grizzly bears, and stepping into thermals with temps of 200 degrees plus. It was an uncomfortable feeling to put it mildly. And yet I knew I needed to push off from shore. So I pushed off, even a bit scared. 

What did I learn from that inaugural trip deep into the wilderness of Yellowstone National Park?

Sometimes in life we just need to start scared. In leadership, often there are no instruction manuals. Very little in the way of “how to” guidance. So we venture into leadership, a bit scared. 

So what do we resort to? Often we are tempted to employ what has worked for us in the past. Or how we were conditioned as subordinates. Yet there is a lot of risk when putting into motion the two steps above. Risk that is fragile at best. And yet it is who we are and where we are at.  

What has worked in the past may not work as planned given the changing landscape of our industries, their cultures, workplace practices and very nature of doing business in todays’ world. It is time for change. Change in the way we lead, in the way we solicit feedback, in the way we create influence. 

Often it is at this juncture we encounter a hint of the fear factor. We have never been here before. New terrain, new relationships, new protocols. It is here that a decision is made. Pull back, and attempt to operate in comfort or forge ahead given new frontiers with little direction to guide us.

The success you have experienced to date came from who you are. Your skill set, your contributions, your sacrifices, your shared vision. That worked for you to date. Now going ahead; new mindsets will need to precede new leadership. At that point – it is ok to be a little scared. 

As I landed my kayak at the end of this inaugural trip, three days, 33 plus paddling miles, two nights sleeping solo in griz country, I experienced the sensation and satisfaction of a trip completed. Unknowns, new adventures, first time experiences. But I did it. And what a confidence builder!

Scared? Launch anyway. Push off from shore. Keep your eyes on the horizon. Use the resources around you to help you navigate the unknowns. But launch! 

Until next time – enjoy the journey! 

Reach out - lets connect!

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