Kirk Keller Coaching

 Coaching Runners 40+

Train with Coach Kirk Keller! This is a powerful partnership as together is better! 

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A man taking a selfie on top of a mountain


Running Coach

What are you trying to accomplish with your running? Are you just starting or are you looking to compete at the next level? From 5k, to marathon, to ultras. From beginners to elites. Contact me to discuss your next steps to reach your running goals.
Schedule Today!
A man is standing on top of a mountain holding hiking poles.
"I came to Kirk as an often injured and new Master’s (40+ yr) athlete, hoping that working with a coach would keep me running. Kirk Keller Coaching has not only helped me stay healthy, but has also helped me conquer ever bigger and more complex running goals all the while continuing to set new PR’s as I knock on the door of 50! Workouts are formulated for the individual athlete and upcoming events in mind. Kirk is kind, thorough, motivating, understanding, detailed, and invested in the athlete from preparation to performance."
 - Christene 
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